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Adjustment Difficulties
Help navigating the rough spots
If you’re experiencing challenging life transitions but struggling to make sense of where you are going, what you are going through or who you are - then you’re in great hands. Life is always changing and no stressful situation is easy to deal with. My sessions can help you make the adjustment in a healthy way so that you can successfully integrate change and come to a place of greater life satisfaction.
About Adjustment Disorders
Adjustment disorders are stress-related conditions. Situations at work, illness, death, school adjustment, and other major life changes cause stress. Most of the time, people adjust to such changes within a few weeks or months. But some individuals experience more stress than would normally be expected in response to a stressful or unexpected event, and the stress causes significant problems in your relationships, at work, at home or at school.
Different periods in life bring up different developmental challenges. Below are some of the developmental issues various age groups struggle with.
Adolescents: High school can be a challenging time and many teens struggle with adjustment to the new demands they are facing. Adolescents may have trouble navigating social relationships, managing parental expectations, picking the right fit for college, and balancing the demands of homework, friendships, family, sports, and extra-curricular activities. A variety of strategies can be utilized to minimize the stress associated with this transitional period and allow for growth, identity development and skill building.
Emerging Adults: Early adulthood is a time that may be marked by chronic worries about whether or not your life is headed in the right direction. Emerging adults may worry excessively about career, romantic relationships, debt, money management, friendships, or general life direction. Disruptions in these areas can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Therapy can help ease the anxiety and pressure associated with this period by utilizing techniques to transform intentions into action, gain a sense of personal power leading to feeling more emotionally balanced and in control, discover meaning, increase capacity to manage daily life, and develop increased confidence, self-esteem and mastery.
Life Transitions: Life is marked by multiple transitions as we move from one developmental period to another. Entering the workforce, marriage, divorce, career shifts, birth of a child, ‘empty-nest syndrome,’ and retirement can all cause disruptions to your life, your sense of self, and ultimately how you define your meaning and purpose. Therapy can help you clarify your reeds, help you say goodbye, refine your emerging identity, establish meaningful relationships, manage increasing demands, and adjust to new roles and expectations.
Personalized Attention for All Your Needs
While many individuals feel like they just need to ‘tough it out,’ you don't have do it on your own. Treatment can be brief and it's likely to help you regain your emotional footing. Therapy can assist in accepting and redefining your life and role by helping you to find meaning from change and establish a new sense of personal power.